“My thoughts are with you, holding hands with your heart.”

This is my favorite line from “September” by Earth, Wind, and Fire. What a GREAT collection of words!

I turned 50 in August, and shortly after that, Tony and I attended a workshop for school where a guy had made a chart with little squares to symbolize the years of his life that were gone and the amount of his life he had left based on him reaching the age of 85.  He is 35, so his chart was not even half full.  I, on the other hand, have reached OVER the half-way mark if 85 is the standard.

The guy  made the chart as a way to remind him that he only has so much time and not to waste it.  I think this is a good reminder. But I don’t know that I can look at that chart each day.

Either way, there are people on both sides of heaven that have my thoughts–I’m holding hands with their hearts even if they don’t know it.  The dear friend from college I’ve not talked to since 1996 is just as precious to me as the one to whom I just sent a text and talk to most days.  My personality type (ENFP) doesn’t really hold with time and space and distance as a barrier to friendship.  I have flat out scared people before by just picking up the phone to call them for no particular reason after years of not talking to them.

So–if you are one of those people, and you are reading this.  My thoughts are with–holding hands with your heart.

2 thoughts on ““My thoughts are with you, holding hands with your heart.”

  1. Renee Motl

    Beautiful! I am so glad your blog is still active! I’m dying to hear what the kids are doing and where they are doing it! I’m at ilove2kids@yahoo.com

    Brandon is a Sophomore at Harding! Can’t hardly believe it. But this also means that Victoria is a Jr or Sr in college yes?!!! And Thad’s what, a freshman in college? Or maybe a senior! Send me
    Updated pictures too!

    Love you still!

Tell me what ya think.