Good Books for Boys and the People who Love Them

I am frequently asked to recommend books for kids to read.  I spend a lot of time reading juvenile and young adult literature just so I can recommend them to my own students.  Today I got the request again. . .this time for a boy from 5th-7th grade.  Below is the list I sent verbatim, …

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Wildflowers are blooming here in Texas: bluebonnets, winecups, buttercups, Indian paintbrush, Indian blanket, blue-eyed grass, coreopsis, meadow pink, phlox. . .you just want to have a dozen eyes so you can see it all at once. I DID stop and pick some blue-eyed grass today, but just like buttercups and other wild flowers, they close …

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A day late: Resolutions for an odd year

I don't really CARE for odd numbers. . .and 2011 is ODD, people. Although I SHOULD have taken full advantage of the auspiciousness of yesterday in it's even oddness. 1/1/11. All odd numbers, but an even amount of them. Yes. I am weird. So are you. Remember--I KNOW you people and your particular oddities, and …

Continue reading A day late: Resolutions for an odd year


Things making me happy at the moment: -writing letters -friends who have known me a long time and love me ANYWAY -chocolate covered raisins -yoga -a BRAND NEW BOX of all 120 colors of Crayola crayons to share with my daughter in anticipation of a summer chock full ‘o coloring -my boy telling me that …

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Guest Blogging

My friend Jennifer has been counting down the Twelve Days of Christmas, but she miscounted, and started on day eleven. Anyway. . .she was traveling today, so she asked me to do day four. Go see my attempt at matching her other posts. . .and read her lists while you're at it.