“My thoughts are with you, holding hands with your heart.”

This is my favorite line from "September" by Earth, Wind, and Fire. What a GREAT collection of words! I turned 50 in August, and shortly after that, Tony and I attended a workshop for school where a guy had made a chart with little squares to symbolize the years of his life that were gone …

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Friday Evening

It is Friday evening.  There are things I need to do.  Right now I am not doing them.  I am sitting a window away from my children.  Victoria is helping Thad complete an assignment that is late--which is causing his grade to dip into a letter of the alphabet that is unacceptable.  It involves copying--not …

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Serendipitous, Happenstantial Providence

Things I do not believe: "There are no accidents." Yes. There are. My Daddy losing his leg was an accident. He was where he was supposed to be when he was supposed to be there, and someone who didn't know he was there turned on a switch, and presto--accident. "Everything happens for a reason." No. …

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A day late: Resolutions for an odd year

I don't really CARE for odd numbers. . .and 2011 is ODD, people. Although I SHOULD have taken full advantage of the auspiciousness of yesterday in it's even oddness. 1/1/11. All odd numbers, but an even amount of them. Yes. I am weird. So are you. Remember--I KNOW you people and your particular oddities, and …

Continue reading A day late: Resolutions for an odd year