
One of the high points of the Thanksgiving Day festivities was making Heather laugh. I happened to catch Victoria’s medal worthy performance on film.

You are lovely but a bit too serious. What is up with that?
Oh. You just need a good dose of cousin.
We've got you covered.
That's more like it.
Someone else is enjoying this too. Probably Nana and Uncle Robert.
Okay. So this one is all about Victoria's hair. Great. Heavenly. Days.
She giggled so much she teared up.
Heather's mommy, Aunt Christy is overcome by. . .something. Chagrine? Emotion? Despair? It's a great picture none-the-less.
Sweet girl. This was Victoria's favorite of the bunch.
Heather won't remember any of this, so Victoria will remember for both of them.

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